Ok we are done with a lesson on photography, using FARHANA'S PHOTO AS THE VICTIM.
Im gonna smack u Fion, u just wait. =.='
Now, i present u our second lesson, using FION'S PHOTO AS THE VICTIM-OF-THE-DAY pulak. Muahahahah >;D *please ignore our craps and silly arguments here*
Sample 2
Original. :)
See? Im so kind, putting her most thinnest picture ever! :D Or lets say her most attempt-to-be-thinner picture.
Oh how cute is she? Err i mean the BOTTLE. :) Haha ok kidding ;p
Back to our lesson. *clear throat ;p*
As for me, i mostly use Picasa 3 to view and edit. I don't know where that Picasa came from, but its already installed in my comp so i make use of it. :)
I rarely use Picnik nowdays, because, err because it takes time.
Mengaku ni lazy to upload ler. xD
And I ACTUALLY DONT HAVE PHOTOSHOP IN MY COMPUTER. Its like the most basic picture editor but grrr got something wrong somewhere and i kenot install altho i've downloaded the free version dy. ==' *kantoi free ;p*
So these are the products of using Picasa 3. :)
Cute, ey? ;D
And no, i wont focus on her face, because THE BOTTLE IS MORE INTERESTING ;p.
And somemore,
*its supposed to be PINK but ended up PURPLE-LIKE idk why. =='*
A normal black&white version. I managed to make her look OLDER, no? ;D
Okay lor will continue with more samples next time. :)
Credits and appreciations to;
Fion Liew & her cute *yeah rite* bottle. xD
Farhana & her awesome *absolutely* skill. xD
Till next post, taaa~ :)